An Ally
One fine Saturday morning, a mouse sat looking wearily over the edge of a large pit. The pit itself was several fathoms deep and many more times wide, and the mouse, having need to cross the cavern at this very point and having already been on a very long journey that had worn him to the bone, simply stared at the pit with sad eyes. About midday, a hedgehog scurried by. Seeing the mouse sitting on the lip of the pit, he spoke up. ‘A good day to you, Mr. Mouse. And tell me, whatever are you waiting for?’ ‘I’m waiting for this pit to be filled, Mr. Hedgehog,’ the mouse replied wearily. The hedgehog’s eyes went wide with surprised. He then let out a little laugh. ‘Tut, tut. You’ll be waiting a long time,’ he said, and then went about his...