Once, a woman ran quickly. Her children were strapped to her, the ground thick with snow, and so her gait was slow. This was unfortunate, as she was being chased. And only to be expected. For the woman had some skill with healing magics. This is all to the good when you are healing people of broken limbs and aching heads; and all to ill when the healer offers care for a village's young women, who are better thought as means to ends than ends to be wrapped up in robust health. All is far more ill when such a healer begins to speak her mind. Not long before a village decides that she must leave. The woman fled through the trees, her feet numb from leaking boots. Whispered words among women had given her a head start. But it was not enough. The arrows surprised her. She and her children were being hunted like deer. But she had direction, one last hope. She saw the cottage, the swirling smoke, blur bef...