There Be Witches
There was a witch. And she was young and lovely.
This was a problem, of course. Witches should not be lovely. They should be old and haggard, however benevolent their heart.
There was a witch. And she was old and haggard.
This was a problem, of course. Witches would do better in the general public eye if they are young and lovely.
There was a witch, and she was tired and on the bitter side of sweet.
This was a problem, of course. Witches are always better taken with when they are robustly kind.
There was a witch, and she was jolly and good.
This was a problem, of course. Witches are always taken more seriously if they show how hard they've work with a piercing gaze.
There was a witch.
This was a problem, of course.
There were witches. There still are.
As it happens, they eat problems for breakfast.