The Fairy Godmother to the Useless Woman

 Once upon a time, a woman was useless. I should say, I suppose, that she felt useless. That would be the appropriate way to put it. But it would be pointless to tell this particular woman that she simply felt useless. She knew it. And, as you might have come across once or twice, it is difficult to tell someone who believes something so entirely that it is not true... that it is only a feeling. You could say, maybe, that (once upon a time) there was a woman who believed so entirely that she was useless. But you would be wrong.

    Fairy godmothers, on the other hand, are allowed to say anything. They are never wrong. And, when it comes to them, there is always a point.

    When a fairy godmother took an interest in the woman, the response was not what you might expect. Or maybe it is exactly what you would expect.

    She said, 'Oh, shit.'

    And then she said, 'Go away.'

    Because that is the kind of thing that useless people say when confronted with winged wanded women gifted in meddling.

    The fairy godmother was not offended. Fairy godmothers do not get offended. They are too important for offense.

    Instead, she raised a brow at the useless woman.

    'Fine,' the woman said. 'Get on with it; say what you've come to say.'

    'There is a child dying in the snow two miles hence.'

    The woman's eyes flew open. Because that's what eyes do in useless people when there is a conundrum of grand proportions.

    'Well, do something about it then,' ordered the useless woman as her open eyes fell to glaring.

    'I am,' said the fairy godmother. And then she disappeared. As they do.

    The useless woman looked a the empty air. Then in the direction of 'two miles hence.' The back to the empty air.

    Then she started to run.

    Did she save the child?

    Of course.

    Did they have a happily ever after?

    Probably not; people rarely do.

    But did they live?

    There's a chance.

   After all, useless people are never useless at all, really. Their fairy godmother just hasn't shown up yet.


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