This is Justice

 Once upon a time, there was work to be done. 

    Of course there was. That is THE story. The ever-present truth, a constant that holds there are things that must be done at every given moment.

    How sweet, then, to throw off the toil. 

    Only, not really. The toil cannot be abandoned. Paused, though. Paused for a moment, and in that moment, just for that moment, ignored. Ever so briefly. Even the sun has had it's moment. Three whole days. And yet, centuries later, still it rises and falls as the world turns. So says the story.

    Zoom in, then. See that woman. The one standing in the field. The sweat dripping down her neck, falling through her lashes, drenching her back. The master's eyes on her, sharp. The whip in his hand holds pain sharper still. Yet, the woman dares. She looks up. At the sky, blue as though a certain kind of sea had switched its place. Even this woman pauses her labor for a moment.

    Of course, there's a cost.

    The whip rises.

    That is when the sprites rage. They cannot bear to see a moment's idle punished. Idle is what they praise, where they live, and, most ironically, what they strive to see increased. They love this woman who dares spare her most precious time.

    The sprites' bite is worse than the whip's. Of course it is. The sprites are made of story. The whip is made of nothing lasting. The woman sees what the sprites do. The master sees nothing. But he's gone now.

    Revenge is not sweet. But this is not revenge. 

    This is justice; that let's the woman thank the sprites and walk away to find another kind of toil that idles from time to time. Without whips.

    She'll leave the sprites milk often now. To thank them.

    Revenge doesn't have a thankful bone in its body.

    Justice, on the other hand...


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