And the World Woke...
world woke blinking, and found that all was well. The trees were green and lush, the oceans teaming
and cool, the mountains high and steady.
And the people were at peace.
peace was dull, the people found, and so the trees were felled, the oceans
emptied, the mountains set to trembling.
All tumbled and came to ruin until the day when the earth stood still,
for upon it lay nothing more than bones.
world woke again, and all was once more set to rights. The trees were green, the oceans cool, the
mountains high. And the people were,
once more, at peace. Yet again the
people found peace dull. Down came the
trees, up rose the oceans, trembling went the mountains. And the earth was again barren.
came a day when the world woke and found the pattern broken; for every place the
world looked, the earth was set askew.
trees were scrawny, stunted for want of worked ground, the oceans were all tumult,
and the mountains wrestled to keep themselves upstanding.
the people, this time, they set to work.
aim was peace.
those who found it never thought it dull.